Saturday, March 17, 2012

Chapter 28: Never Again, Again


Rebecca: You're such an asshole.  I'm so done with you.
Richard: You're a fucking psycho.  Where do you think you're going to go?  What do you have without me?  Nothing.
Rebecca: I have nothing if I stay with you...this is bullshit.  I'm taking Brody and I'm leaving.
Richard: That's great Bec, take a son from his father.  You'll never get that far.  Look at you.  You're a fucking mess.  You walk out that door and you can guarantee that I'll get full custody.  You don't even have a place to live.
Rebecca: I can move back in with my sisters.  I can make something of myself.
Richard: You'll never make anything of yourself moving back into that shack.

Rebecca: Tell me, what's my alternative?  You have pretty much refused to marry me.
Richard: Maybe if you would act like a good wife I would want to marry you.
Rebecca: What more do you want from me?  I wake up at the crack of dawn to make you breakfast and lunch for work.  I clean your house, I take care of your kid, and I fix you dinner every night.  What do I have to show for it?  A ring?  No, I get nothing but shit from you.  I even gave up my career because you told me I should be home with our son.  Everything I do is done to make you happy and you still don't care.  I'm done.
Richard: You walk out that door and you'll regret it.

Rebecca: I'll take my chances.
I didn't mean to hit him, but it felt so good.

A lot has happened over this last year.  I moved in with Richard and I was planning on working on my career while I was there, but that didn't happen.  He gave me shit about working, and said we needed to be a family, so I quit.  It's been a roller coaster ever since.  We get into fights, I leave, then I come back, but this time I'm done.  For real.  I can't take it anymore.  The only thing I have left is my son and I have to do what's best for him.  He's probably the smartest kid I've ever met...and he is so cute...everyone that sees him says so.

So I get him in the car and head to my sister's house.  They're living in a different house now because the one we were living in was destroyed.  

Brody: Where we goin' Mummah?
Rebecca: We're going to Sissy's and Kel Kel's and Zoey's.  We're gonna stay there for awhile, okay?
Brody: Mummah, don't be sad.  Brody woves you.
Rebecca: Mummah loves Brody too.


It's early in the morning when I hear a little unmistakable voice.
Brody: What's that, Mummah?  What's that?  What's that?

I shoot up and run downstairs.
Amy: Who is that I hear?
Rebecca: Hey Sis...I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you.
Amy: You didn't.  What's going on?

She sits Brody in his old swing before turning back toward me.

Rebecca: I left Richard.
Amy: *sigh*
Rebecca: For good this time...I'm serious.  I've had enough.
Amy: You said that last time too.
Rebecca: I know...but I'm really serious now...look, if you don't want us here, I'll just take Brody and go.
Amy: Come on Bec, don't be like that.  You know the door here is always's just...this situation isn't easy on anyone.

Rebecca: Well I'm so sorry to have made this so hard on you...
Amy: Okay, I'm sorry.  I know this is hard.  It's going to be okay.
Rebecca: I've decided to really start focusing on my music career...
Amy: Do you think you can get your job back?

Rebecca: I don't know...

I really don't believe in kicking anyone while they're down, so I just shut up.

Amy: It's okay sweetie, we'll get through it.
Rebecca: Yeah...I'm really going to need everyone's help.
Amy: You know you've got it sweetie...
Rebecca: Okay...cuz I've been working...but I can't do it unless someone can watch Brody.
Amy: I'm generally always here hon, you can leave him with me any time.

So Rebecca is working as a bartender...right now she's working at Whistles mostly and sometimes The North Street Pub...but hopefully she'll start working at some of the dance clubs.  She'll get more tips that way.

So I keep an eye on the's pretty easy...turn on CMT and the kid is entertained.  He already has very distinct taste in music.
Amy: What do you want for lunch, Brody?
Brody: Cheeeessseeee!
Amy: Okay...mac and cheese it is...

So once I get Brody to bed - Rebecca is working at night, I also decide to chop my hair off my self and color it red...I feel like I need a change.
Yeah, it's a little crazy, but I've been having it kind of rough lately.
Good news?  I stopped did Kelsey...of course I didn't realize how cardiovascularly beneficial it was...oh well...
Other than that...I've had a lot on my mind.  I'm trying to reevaluate what I want out of my life.  I'm trying to decide if I truly want a husband and children or if that's just what I think I want...who knows...only time will tell, I suppose.


I didn't even think it was possible, but I love this kid so much...Rebecca is lucky.  He's the smartest kid I've ever met...of course, I can't get him to say Kel-Kel...
Kelsey: Say Kel-kel..
Brody: Ka-Ka!
I think he has an issue saying his l's.
Kelsey: Say "clock"
Brody: Co--
Kelsey: Okay, maybe don't say that.

Either way, I love him.  Not saying I want one of my own...this is a baby-free zone right here...

As baby free as it is, I am dating a new guy.  He's really cute and super muscular.  His name is Josh Birch...and he's so least most of the time, but I love a challenge.


As for me...I'm dating Seth Hardin pretty often lately...he's cute, but I don't know how much longer it's going to last.  He wants to settle down and have a bunch of kids and I don't...but maybe I can try a little longer.  He's a good distraction...a distraction from what, you ask?

Screaming baby...for one thing...

Have I mentioned I'm not a kid person?  I don't think I have a maternal bone in my body...

And then from this shack we're living in right now...I never thought I would say I miss sleeping on sleeping bags on our property...but I think I do...seriously...

Hopefully we'll be able to move back soon...we're working on a rebuild.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Brody is just so adorable!!!! Eee, I wanna pinch his cheeks!

    ~Calista Smith


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