Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chapter 33: Here Puppy, Puppy, Puppy


Okay, so know how I've been working toward becoming a rockstar?  Well...I actually want to become a professional singer, so I decide it's time for a career change!  I know this will set me back a bit, but it will definitely be worth it.

Of course, getting a job as a sing-a-gram deliverer isn't exactly what I had in mind for my big debut...ugh...oh well, I guess it's small steps to the top.

Between jobs, I practice singing with my guitar for tips.  I make a little bit that way...and it's always good to get my voice out there.

Things have been kind of strained between me and Josh lately...his family doesn't approve of me for some reason...I don't understand...they loved me when we met and they loved Brody...

I guess it's maybe the best to take some time apart though...we've spent a lot of time being lazy together and neither of us have been working toward our careers.  I moved out of ole' Dick head's because of that, now I'm doing the same thing?  Yeah, not cool.

I'm working on some songwriting too...I swear I've gotten way better than I used to be, especially since I've learned the guitar...and since I have songs, I can do gigs.  I get my first gig at the park...

It starts off a little rocky...

I've got my girls here to support me, and they brought Brody...I'm really excited to get to play for him...
...oh, check Zoey out bustin' a move! 

aaaannnd he's all excited about playing with his damn he rocks out with his bunny, so maybe he's proud of his Mummah.

I feel like I'm on top of the world getting to play on an actual stage for my family.

Of course, I get brought right back down to, I'm not trying to do some kind of weird version of the Funky's another one of those effin' sing-a-grams...ugh...well, at least they pay the bills...

...and I'm able to secure a gig at the local coffeehouse...hmm...I wonder if they sell bubble tea...I can just imagine..."You can totally pay me in bubble tea!" (Kidding...sort of)


Joy of all joys, but I am finally an International Super Spy.  Do I look mysterious?

...Yeah, well, no one asked  you...

Sedrick and I are still dating...Mr. So Boring Paint Watches Him Dry...

It's not really that, he's sweet and all, but I just need more of a challenge...I spend all this time trying to get these guys under my thumb, and when they get there I lose interest...true story.

Is it me or is he the girl in the relationship?

Yeah, that's what I thought...oh he has to go.


We all hit Rebecca's gig at the coffeehouse...and leave Brody at home...mostly because we want to go out dancing when she's done.

In the middle of things, Kelsey gets called out for work, so it's just me and Amy...but then...

Zoey: Hey, do you see that?
Amy: What?

It's Richard...aka Dick...aka Bec's Baby Daddy...aka That Asshole...

Amy: What the hell is he doing here?
Zoey: Wait...what is that on his face?
Amy: Is that a smile?
Zoey: Can't be...
Amy: He must have hit a small child on a bike or laughed at a woman with cankles before he got here or something...
Zoey: I was thinking knocked some other girl up on his way, but either way...look at the way he's looking at Rebecca...
Amy: Hmm...if I thought he was capable of feelings I would say he might have some for Bec...but it's too little too late...
Zoey: Or not right now, but maybe later...
Amy: Ugh, you're right...well, whatever, I'm just done being nice to him, so if they get back together...
Zoey: Wait...when were you ever nice to him?
Amy: I fixed him breakfast when Brody was born...
Zoey: Yeah, how long ago was that?  And when you asked him where he wanted his eggs you offered on the table or up his ass.
Amy: Details.

Richard leaves by the time Rebecca is done with her set.  We both keep quiet about seeing him.

Rebecca: Sooo how was it?
Amy: Amazing as always!
Zoey: Awesome!
Rebecca: *girly squeal* Thanks..sooo where are we going?
Zoey: How about Island Jack's?
Amy: Is that a tiki bar?
Zoey: No crazy, it's a dance club...
Amy: I'm there.
Rebecca: Ditto...I'll text Kels.

Island Jack's turns out to be sort of in a bad part of downtown, but as long as we stick together...and let Kelsey take the lead, we're good.

So we get in da' club...which needs to turn on da' light...or pay da' bills...but we still have fun and get drunk...ugh...I hope I didn't see a rat.

***Side Note: Island Jack's is a dance club I built...get it here.  It's got a sunken dance floor, but needs lights and a stereo put on the dance floor***


So I am soooo excited!  I got a gig at one of the best places to play in town!  It's at The Red Rooster.  I can't wait to tell Josh!  He's going to be so excited for me!

Of course, when I try to call him, he doesn't answer.  I try like 30 times and he doesn't answer.  What the hell?  I am so pissed.

***Based on a venue out of Nashville, TN, The Red Rooster is one of my first venues.  Get it here.***

He shows up the next day...what the...?

Josh: Hey, can we talk?
Bec: Yeah, sure..whatever.

So we get dressed, go out, and out of the blue, he dumps me!  

I'm bawling my freakin' eyes out and he doesn't even care.

Rebecca: ...but..whyyyyy?  I thought we were doing so good...
Josh: My family has been talking to me and they think it would be a good idea for me to stop seeing you.  I'm not happy right now and they seem to think you're the problem.
Rebecca: It's your bitchy sister, isn't it?  She's always been jealous of me...she doesn't want you to be with anyone, Josh.  She won't stop until you're alone and miserable like she is.
Josh: Don't talk about her like that...
Rebecca: Really nice, Josh...did you stick up for me that way when your family was trashing me?  Probably not.

Josh: Look, Bec, I still love you...
Rebecca: Than why aren't we together?  I can't take this Josh...

I leave Josh on the street and go home.  I find Amy first and I start bawling as soon as I see her.
Amy: Oh God, sweetie, what is it?
Rebecca: Josh dumped me!
Amy: What?  I thought...
Rebecca: I know, me too...I don't understand...he says his family *sniffle* is telling him to...
Amy: Seriously?  What is he?  In high school?  You should have told him to reach up and pull his balls out and maybe he won't care what his family says...
Rebecca: Josh isn't like that *sniffle* he's a good person...not that you're not a good person...
Amy: Eh, I'm not...I'm jilted and's cool, I've accepted it.
Rebecca: ...aren't I pretty? *sniffle*
Amy: Of course!  If he can't see how amazing you are, he doesn't deserve you.

We talk for a little bit after that and agree to make plans to go out.


Well, I'm doing a lot better...mostly because my doctor put me on an anti-depressant, but it's making me a little less self-destructive, so I guess that's good...

Of course, I go online and find myself a dog...

...and I don't mean the normal kind of dog...this is a guy that is basically just a warm body that lavishes you with attention and builds your self-esteem back up after a break-up (sort of like a Rebound).  I call him a dog because he's completely loyal to you and even when you bat him on the nose and make him go cower in the corner, he keeps coming back.

The dog I find is named Donnie Childs.  I meet him online when he sends me a message telling me how beautiful I am...ding ding!  We have a winner!  Bring in the dog!

Okay, let me just say this:  when I first started talking to Donnie, I really wanted to like him.  He's completely devoted to me and I really wanted to find something...anything...that would attract me to him...but I still can't find for right now, I just keep him around for the ego boost...I know it's wrong, but oh so right...and men do this kind of crap to women all the

...yeah, I'm a horrible human being.

But at least I'm being punished.  He's probably the dullest person I have ever met.  Of course, the only thing that makes him desirable other than his devotion to me is that he's a maniac in the bedroom...that's the only place we are on the same wavelength...ugh...I wonder if I was Brent's dog?


  1. OMG!! That last picture of Amy is PRICELESS! Bananananana!

    1. Hehehehehe...right? She did me a major solid making that face!

  2. Hey I love the blog. I check it every day. When's the next chapter out?

    1. Hey, thanks Amy! I've been really busy lately, but I'm trying to pick it back up...hopefully soon!


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