Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chapter 31: Slipped Away


Amy: So I called him and asked him what was going on and he said we were only ever just friends...
Zoey: What?!
Amy: ...I was like, 'I don't fuck my friends, dude'...
...then he said he didn't cheat on this chick either, I was like, well, let's give you a metal then.
Zoey: Yeah, I'll bet...that mother...
Amy: ...then he's all like, "I'm sorry, what can I do?"...
...I told him I didn't want anything from him...just for him to pretend he never met me because I was going to do the same.

Zoey: You go!  What did he say to that?
Amy: 10-4.

Zoey: What an asshole...
Amy: Right?
Zoey: So you didn't tell him you're pregnant?
Amy: Hell no...my baby and I will be fine without him. 
Zoey: Damn straight.

I'm not normally a touchy-feely baby person, but it's different with Amy.  I think we've been such best friends for so long that I feel like this is happening to me as much as it is to her.

Zoey: You don't need your ole' stupid daddy, do you?
Amy: *laughs* This will be okay, right?
Zoey: Yeah...of course it will.
Amy: *sigh* Okay, well, I'm exhausted, I think I'm going to head to bed.
Zoey: Yeah, me too.

I turn to head upstairs before I hear Amy yell out.
Amy: Ouch!
Zoey: Are you okay?
Amy: Yeah, I'm fine...just a kick...
Zoey: Are you sure?
Amy: Yeah.


I head up to my room and fall apart.  My heart is breaking and I can't seem to get over it.  I know this guy wasn't right for me...but...I still can't get over him...I don't trust people easily...and I let him in...this is why I don't get into relationships...they hurt too much.

I swear, pregnancy is kicking my butt..I never thought it would be this exhausting...of course, maybe it's just the stress.

I collapse on the bed before I can even put my pajamas on.

I am awoken by a sharp pain that practically knocks me out of bed.  I look at the clock.  It's only been a few hours.  I head downstairs to get a glass of water.

When I get there, Zoey is downstairs with Brody.
Amy: What are you doing?
Zoey: He started screaming and I told Bec I would get up with him...figure I may as well get some practice in since we've got another one coming in.  She's getting ready now.  What's going on?
Amy: Nothing...
Zoey: Uh-huh...what is it?
Amy: I hate you.
Zoey: No you don't.
Amy: Okay, I keep getting these sharp pains...I guess they're kicks, but I don't remember Rebecca complaining about this much pain.
Zoey: You know, we should probably go to the hospital...just to be safe.
Amy: I don't want to go to the hospital...

Zoey: You really should...
Amy: ...but I don't...
Zoey: You know you should...
Amy: Damn it.
Zoey: Come on, I'll go with you.
Amy: *sigh* will going to the hospital make you happy?
Zoey: Yes.
Amy: Fine.

Amy: You're going to feel silly when they say it's nothing.
Zoey: I hope it's nothing.
Amy: It will be. 

But it wasn't nothing...by the time we got into the ER I had started bleeding...by the time we got admitted, the cramps had intensified...and by the time they hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor, they didn't hear one.

The doctor told me I had miscarried...these things happen sometimes...that the fetus was probably never meant to be born...it was most likely a chormosomal anomaly that normally resulted in a miscarriage in the first trimester, but for some reason it hadn't in this case.  The fetus hung around a little longer than it should...

He kept talking and I just kept nodding.

It was a boy...
medication for pain...
future pregnancies considered high risk...

Zoey held my hand through all the crap they had to do...I am glad she was with me...I probably wouldn't have been able to handle it by myself.

I asked the doctors if I could take him to the science lab...make him alive that way...

there wasn't enough development for that.


I don't know how she held out as long as she did, but she was in tears by the time we got outside...when it was all said and done...and the baby was gone.

My heart is breaking for her...I have never seen her this upset about anything...she normally keeps that stuff locked up pretty tight...I would do anything to make her pain go away.

Zoey: My offer still stands to throw dog shit on his front door.
She laughs slightly...well, that's progress.

Finally she stops sobbing, sniffles a bit, and pulls away from me.

Amy: Let's just go home.
Zoey: Okay.

This is going to be okay...it has to be.


  1. Poor Amy! I'm so glad Zoey was there to comfort her. :(

    ~Calista Smith

    1. Yeah, Zoey is the best of friend ever for sure! I feel bad for Amy too.

  2. I want a Zoey to comfort me if I ever have a miscarriage. Not that I'm planning on, but you never know.

    This was so very sad, to think Hadley almost had a brother.

    1. This made me so sad to write it, but I knew something had to happen because Amy's children are all from Andrew...but I thought that might get people thinking about Hadley's older sister, like there's a big family secret or something...but yeah, Zoey is 100% the best!


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