Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chapter 45: Pt. 2: Distractions from Reality


It's been a few days with the kids and things are going surprisingly well.
Not only do we play with the kids and meet their basic needs, but we have been able to work with them on their walking and potty training - which is no's hard to get kids to do that crap.

AMY: We're pretty good at this, aren't we?
ZOEY: Yeah, but damn, I can't wait til' Friday.
AMY: Yeah, that's the good thing about just baby-sitting...


Okay, so the first couple days with the Duane and Gilbert were exhausting, but now I'm used to it.  I have really come to love these little boys.  It's making me want to have my own children more than ever.

Of course, I'm still dating Beau and I don't really know how all that is going to work out.  Either I'm going to ask him if he wants to have a baby, or I'm just going to have one...and how is he going to handle that?  I'm thinking not well.  I'm kind of screwed.  I literally cannot think about anything but having a baby.

BEAU: I'm getting a group of people together to protest at the courthouse.  Do you wanna come?
AMY: Protest over what?
BEAU: The treatment of animals in the science lab...
AMY: Wouldn't it be more productive to protest at the science lab?
BEAU: You have to think big, Ames...these guys that control all this...they're at the courthouse.  They can put a stop to it.

I really admire Beau's passion.  I'm a feminist and very politically active, but I'm pretty sure Beau would show up to protest the treatment of cheese on burgers.

But he is smart...really smart...and when he gets passionate about his causes, he gets passionate about everything.  It's exciting.

I guess I'm just going to let it ride out for a bit before making up my mind.


Lukas and I have been dating for forever.  I'm honestly in love with him and he's in love with me.  I think it's time we moved in together.  It worked when Kelsey and Eddie lived here...or I could go live at his house...either one.

I have been trying to get him to suggest it, but no luck so far.

LUKAS: My bills are killing me...
REBECCA: Mine too.  I wonder what we could do to save money...
LUKAS: I have no idea.  Maybe not go out so much?
REBECCA: Hmph.  I like going out though.  *pout*
LUKAS: I know babe, but I have to do something.
REBECCA: know, if you need to move in here, you know, save're over here all the time anyway.
LUKAS: Damn, I don't know if I could live with all these women!
REBECCA: Brody does it...
LUKAS: He already has an in...he's cute...and he was even cuter when he first moved in.  I don't have that luxury.
REBECCA: You are cute!

I wrap my arms around him and he takes my face in his hands.

LUKAS: You think I'm cute?
REBECCA: Yeah...of course.
LUKAS: I love you, you know that, don't you?
REBECCA: Yeah, I love you too.

LUKAS: I love you more than I ever thought I could.
REBECCA: Awww, baby...I love you too.
LUKAS: I think I'm going to have trouble paying my bills for awhile...

He lets go of me and gets down on one knee.

LUKAS: Because I want to give you everything your heart desires until the day I die.
He pulls out a beautiful diamond ring...
REBECCA: Is this...?
LUKAS: Rebecca Kay Keagan, will you do me the great honor of being my wife?

He stands up and I throw my arms around him in the tightest hug I can manage.

REBECCA: Of course!

Holy shit!  I'm getting married!


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